Friday, April 3, 2015

A Sixth Sense?

After having five losses including a late loss with Olivia, we're well aware that for us pregnancy doesn't equal a take home baby. That repeated disappointment is not only hard for us but for others who care about us. 

Apparently my grandma told my mom she didn't want to know the next time I was pregnant until much later in the pregnancy because it was hard for her to deal with the losses. The day I found out about my current pregnancy, I called my mom to tell her but she didn't answer. 
When my mom called back, I told her my news and she couldn't believe it. She had missed my earlier call because she was on the phone with my grandma who called my mom to say she had changed her mind and actually does want to know about my next pregnancy and that she was pretty sure she already knew. My mom assured her I wasn't and then returned my call only to find out that I am.
Grandma's not the only one, though. Earlier this week, Ella commented twice on the same day that there might be a baby in my belly. We certainly haven't told our children yet because we're trying to protect them from the disappointment they felt last time. I don't know where Ella is getting her prediction, but she's onto me.

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