Friday, January 30, 2015

Heaven is for Real?

December 14, 2014

Religion and faith are something I struggle with even in the best of times. In the face of our recent loss, I’ve struggled even more. I would love to know that heaven is for real. That Olivia is there right now. That she isn’t lonely because she’s with her siblings and cousins who went before her through pregnancy loss, her great grandparents, and before that an uncle lost in pregnancy. That we’ll meet there someday. I think this would all somehow be a little bit easier if I held these beliefs, but it’s so hard for me to believe something based only on faith.

In a quest to find reassurance, I picked up a book that I was very unlikely to read just a few months ago. Heaven is for Real is a story of young boy who was very sick and after recovering began to tell his parents about his experiences in heaven. Specifically what drew me to the book was the fact that he told his parents he met a sister he never knew about. As it turns out, the parents had lost a baby in early pregnancy. I’m not sure I am any more likely to subscribe to these beliefs, but it is a wonderful possibility. I hope heaven is for real. 

As I finished the book, I read the epilogue and found out that many grieving parents have found comfort in the book.

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